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Custom Software Development

DHSDS (Smoke-Free Zone Inspection System)


DHSDS (Smoke-Free Zone Inspection System) is an application used by inspection team personnel throughout Turkey to prevent the impact of tobacco and tobacco products. It can be used as both a web and mobile application. All inspections are recorded and inspection personnel and team identifications are made.


The DHSDS application allows the user to identify and direct the closest inspection team to the location on the map screen. In the event of a violation, a report and evidence (photographs and camera footage) of the location are recorded. Through the DHSDS application, follow-up on the resulting punitive measures can be tracked, and relevant locations can be monitored.


The reporting module provides access to detailed data on tobacco inspections and the fines resulting from these inspections, contributing to the designing of measures taken. The DHSDS application is designed to increase the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent the use of tobacco and tobacco products and to protect public health.

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